
Below, I highlight a few examples of teaching-related experiences.

Teaching Assistant, "Web Design I", Brave Behind Bars (2023) [More info]

Brave Behind Bars, based out of The Educational Justice Institute at MIT, is an online 12-week college-accredited introductory computer science and career-readiness program for incarcerated people. The curriculum teaches participants the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Topics include Bootstrap, flexbox, CSS grid, responsive design, branching statements, loops, and functions.

I was one of ~16 volunteer TAs for a course of approximately 70 students that are currently incarcerated in Massachusetts and D.C. My responsibilities included tasks such as:

  • Managing breakout rooms of 3-6 students to teach html, css and javascript concepts, debugging code, and project development
  • Attending lectures 1:00-3:00pm Tues and Thurs
  • Rubric development and student grading

NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) (2023) [More info]

In this training, the NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) program in collaboration with the Health and Air Quality Science Team (HAQAST) Tiger Team on Satellite Data for Environmental Justice, demonstrates how remotely-sensed environmental indicators, specifically for air pollution, can be paired with demographic data to understand disproportionate exposures among minoritized and marginalized population subgroups. This training consists of three two-hour sessions held online. The first provides an introduction to how satellite data have been used in environmental justice (EJ) applications. In the first training session, I feature in a 15m segment on the "History of Satellite Data for EJ" and in a 12m vignette about the Space Enabled Research Group and my research applying satellite data for EJ in prison landscapes.

Kaufman Teaching Certificate Program, MIT (2022) [More info]

The Kaufman Teaching Certificate program (KTCP) offers an opportunity for participants to develop their teaching skills, including exposure to relevant research in teaching and learning as well as opportuniti es to reflect on and plan for their future teaching.

During KTCP, I had practice and exposure to the following topics:

  • Used backward design to plan a unit of instruction that includes realistic, measurable, specific, and student-centered learning outcomes, activities, and assessments.
  • Learned and practiced different methods to support active learning and student engagement (e.g. polls, small group discussion, board word etc.)
  • Learned inclusive teaching principles and incorporated into course design
[See KTCP Letter of Completion]

Guest Lecturer, "Physical Principles of Remote Sensing", MIT (2022)

  • Developed and delivered a 1.5hr lecture to teach concepts on volume scattering of synthetic aperture radar remote sensing
  • Designed an activity in Google Earth Engine based on my research on invasive plant species to illustrate examples of volume scattering